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Read all the latest full-length blog posts from Victoria Teal. Mental health and wellness, depression, recovery, travel, van life, relationships, and tea. You’ll find it all here.

Teal’s On Wheels Part Two: The Ballad of Bobby

Living in my van: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Let me clarify. It had absolutely nothing to do with the van itself, which I had, of course, constructed to perfection. I had planned, and pinterested, and listed my way to my dream van for well over a year beforehand. No, what made it the worst was something that I couldn’t plan for. Life happened.

Continue Reading → Teal’s On Wheels Part Two: The Ballad of Bobby

In which the Students, Who Thought They Were The Masters are Shown That They are Not!

To cut a very, very long story short, in the summer of 2010 I found myself in South Korea teaching English at a primary (elementary) school. It was an unexpected, life-changing, often surreal, and usually enjoyable experience. With one exception. You know that mental image that springs to mind when you hear the word “youths”? That was them.

Continue Reading → In which the Students, Who Thought They Were The Masters are Shown That They are Not!

Teal’s On Wheels Part One: The Making Of

When I announced to my parents back in 2016 that I was buying a very large, very empty white van, converting it into a campervan, and moving into it for at least a year of full-time travel, they looked at me with the expression you would quite rightly give your 33 year old daughter with no experience of DIY and questionable parallel parking skills when she makes such an announcement. Bemuseshockment would be the way I’d describe it.

Continue Reading → Teal’s On Wheels Part One: The Making Of


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